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Intellij Maven Install Skip Tests

Unless you really plan to modify the midPoint source code you probably do not need IntelliJ IDEA or any other heavyweight development environment. MidPoint can be easily built from the command line without an IDE. Please see the page for the details.Thanks to:for providing - an IDE that impressed most of our development team members. IDEA makes out team much more productive. Install JAVA. Download java JDK from oracle.com. Select JDK 8.

  1. Intellij Maven Clean Install Skip Tests

Accept license. select package for your platform. Continue installation for this platformInstall IDEA. Download IDEA from jetbrains.com.

Select the version for your operating system and download Ultimate Edition. Install IntelliJ IDEA on your computer.First run of IDEA. There is a very good description of IDEA setup with screenshots contributed by Deepak Natarjan:.

You will be asked to import settings from previous version of IDEA. If this is first time you're using IDEA, select „ I do not have a previous version of IntelliJ IDEA or I do not want to import my settings' and continue. On next screen you will be asked for license data. Enter them and continue. Agree with license politics of IDEA.

On a couple of next screens you will be asked to select some IDEA plugins. The choice is yours, but some of the plugins are essential for working on midpoint.

On first screen, select the Git VCS Integration plugin. Select these Web/JavaEE Technology plugins:. Bean Validation. Database. FreeMarker. Hibernate. JSF.

Java EE. Java Server Pages.

Persistance Frameworks. SQL.

Spring Data. Spring. Spring OSGi.

Spring Security. pring Web Services. Spring-AOP and @AspectJ. Velocity. Web Services6.

Select Application Server Plugin: Tomcat 7. Select HTML/Javascript Development Plugins:. CSS. HTML Tools. Inspection-JS.

JavaScript Debugger. JavaScript Intention Power Pack.

W3C Validators8. Select Other plugins:.

Ant. AspectJ. Copyright. Eclipse. Groovy. Inspection Gadgets. JUnit.

Maven. Maven Integration Extension. TestNG-J.

XpathView + XSLT9. Copyright (c) 2010-$today.year EvolveumLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License atrequired by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.Then select midPoint in the 'Default project copyright' in the Settings - Editor - Copyright panel. Other Tips. Remove Spring Facets from the Project Structure (File - Project Structure - Facets). These do not work well with maven-based spring configuration. If the faces are present you may get false errors about duplication of some spring beans.

Intellij Maven Clean Install Skip Tests


Set the modules dummy-connector and dummy-connector-fake as ignored (in icf-connectors module). Right-click on the modules, select Maven - Ignore projects. This is needed because of an issue with IDEA-maven integration. IDEA ignores maven build instructions and provides these modules on a classpath in a different form than the test code expects them. The test code then cannot find Dummy connector and fails.

(But don't let IDEA to remove the modules from the project structure, otherwise midPoint won't compile.).

Testing in MavenIn the Maven project, you can and tests the same way you do in any other project using the.When test execution to Maven, keep in mind that IntelliJ IDEA doesn't support such tests view.You can also pass the parameters when you run JUnit or TestNg tests and the parameters for running integration tests. The Maven surefire plugin is declared in the super POM by default, but you can adjust its settings in your project's POM. Run tests.Open the Maven tool window.Under the Lifecycle node select test. Note that goals specified in the will be activated at this phase and all tests in a project or in a module will be run.Run a single testIf you want to run just a single test instead of all the tests declared in your project, create a Maven run configuration for a single test with the Maven -Dtest=TestName test command.

The run configuration will be saved under the Run Configurations node.In the Maven tool window, under the Lifecycle node, right-click the test goal.From the context menu, select Create 'name of the module/project and name of a goal'.In the dialog that opens, specify a working directory that contains test you want to run and in the Command line field, specify a phase (specified automatically) and the -Dtest=TestName test command. Click OK.Open the Run Configurations node and double-click your configuration to run. Maven runs the test and displays the result in the Run tool window.Skip testsYou can skip running tests, for example, when you want to just compile your project and don't want to wait for Maven to complete the tests' execution.The skip tests action in IntelliJ IDEA is an implementation of the -Dmaven.test.skip=true Maven command. Click the icon in the Maven tool window to open Maven settings and select Runner from the options on the left.In the tool window, use to toggle the Skip tests mode.On the Runner page, select Skip tests and click OK. IntelliJ IDEA de-activates the test goal under the Lifecycle node. The appropriate message notifying that tests are skipped is displayed in the Run tool window when you execute other goals.